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この化粧品は、医療レベルの施設のなかでも高度な施設を持つ、培養施設のクリーンルームの中で、大事に大切に 育てられたものを凍結乾燥することにより、複合たんぱく質の品質を保っています。工場からの出荷もその品質を保つため、常に冷蔵保存された状態でお客様にご提供しています。日本製

"Regeneration factor has importantly raised in clean well-equipped culture facility. "
The cosmetics, with advanced facilities among the medical level of the facility, in the clean room of the culture facility, by freeze-drying the things that are important to carefully nurtured, has maintained the quality of complex proteins. In order to maintain even the quality of shipment from the factory, we always offer to our customers in a state in which it is refrigerated. Made in Japan
Regenerating factor A, generic name of "bioactive agent" are released into the cell culture medium in the process of culturing stem cells









  ※お気軽にお問合せください。 対応日時は、11:00〜18:00(平日のみ)となります